A building is built brick by brick, a skyscraper one cement piece
at a time, a city one block at a time. Relationships are built one shared
experience at a time. Lifetimes are just moments strung together until decades
pass, then your younger and healthier years, then your kids’ younger years pass.
And stories are built when a few words strung together form a sentence that
build a paragraph that in time form a chapter until you suddenly
find you’ve written 300 pages – brick by brick. Those words often keep me from
giving up and labeling the unproductive days as a waste.
Before I worked full-time, I had the luxury of wide-open
space to write and the dud days didn’t seem as threatening. Now that I write
while juggling a full-time job, an unproductive writing day can be a serious
setback considering the limited time available to produce material (usually
just Saturdays for creative stuff). But
I’ve had the welcome experience of realizing that my brief moments of writing
can actually be as productive as those longer periods. Some days, only a few
bricks are laid. But the next time I return to that piece of work, I find a
surprising foundation formed by those mere words, and often the foundation
whispered to its friends to join and cling to the other bricks,
together throwing up an entire structure.
Thankfully the mind continues to write after turning off the
computer. Brick by brick, details of a story piece together, come to mind after i cross from work mode into domestic life. Brick by
brick, pieces fall into place as I talk with friends, overhear grocery store
conversations, sit at stoplights thinking, or walk around my neighborhood. Answers
to a writing problem appear. A scene materializes. Dialogue writes itself.
Over Christmas I was wrestling with a scene involving my
main character who has early Alzheimer’s disease. My son and daughter-in-law
were visiting and played a song for me called “An Old Shoebox Filled with Ghosts.”
Suddenly I envisioned a scene where my character goes on a snooping expedition
in someone else’s house and finds an old shoe box filled with details that fill
in missing places in her past. The scene kindly arrived after my writing time had
ended for the day and my brain fell into relaxation mode, almost a “receiving”
mode. Even the undisciplined moments can be productive moments.
In nine weeks I’ll finish the first year of my MFA program.
On a weekly basis I don’t feel I’m accomplishing a great amount of work. But looking
back, I’ve written or rewritten roughly 150 pages. Many passages and additions
to my novel appeared over these past months despite a busy work schedule and
other demands on my time. Ideas grew and informed each other. Characters turned
into real people with real wants, foibles and loves. And one truth has been
confirmed: as long as I show up faithfully and put words on paper - small or large amounts of words - a novel, short
story, or anything can appear - brick by
So true! Have you read Anne Lamott's book Bird by Bird? So encouraging on those "dud days." Congrats on 150 pages!
Thanks for the well wishes, Stephanie. Yes, I've read Bird by Bird and love it!
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